Organisational Diagnosis, Re-Organisation, Business Performance Improvement

Our Organisational Diagnosis is a systematic analysis of organization that results in identifying practically all its strengths and weaknesses. It unearths all or any variables/ factors that act or could act as impediments to the higher performance or growth of the organization. These variables may emanate anywhere from organisation and its functioning :

As we help implement recommendations, our assignment consists of two phases:

After completing Diagnosis phase, presentation is made of what we have found: what changes are needed, why and how we would implement., so as to further enhance the business performance. On arriving at the agreement, consultant as change specialist, plans-out and execute the plan in close co-operation with client, ensuring minimum or no changes. These change, as said, might involve business policies, organizational re-structuring and re-deployment of people, changes in systems and procedures, HR practices, that would lead to better organizational results.

Our Organisational Diagnosis, Re-structuring, etc, while internal in nature, necessarily focuses also on external environmental trends Wherever necessary, we carry out study of market / environmental trends as they impinge on suggested changes.

Our Organizational Diagnosis is an ideal way to initiate changes in the organization for enhancing current business performance- whether unsatisfactory or flattering, based as they are on the in-depth and objective study of current states rather then on hunches or mind-sets.

Contacts: Cell : 98707 19100 Land:022-22845725  Postal:86, Maker Arcade, Cuff Parade, Mumbai - 400 005.
Over 30 years consulting (starting as IIM-A faculty) with top MNCs, Indian COs, Centre & State Govts.

Leadership At Top | Leadership at Sr./ Middle Levels | Entrepreneurial / Corporate Vision | Family Business Management
Assessment for CEO/CEO Leadership | Assessing Managerial Potential | Corporate strategy | Building brand leaders | Life strategies

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