Your Corporate Strategy

Does it carry conviction of your future?


A Unique Approach: The future might unfold enormous opportunities, or could be unsettling or fatal even for many well managed companies, given the environment in flux. While as an organisation you have to focus on competing ‘today’, we strive to ensure, through our unique approach, that your strategic plan for tomorrow is sound, has the stamp of your vision, your confidence and conviction. Yet it costs you a fraction of the usual exorbitant consulting fees.

Unique Approach:
your vision, your acumen and our methodological support.

Result: future strategy that you can rely on, leaving you time to compete in business today.

How does it work?

‘Strategic Team’, from 4 to 10 members- including CEO or COO and consultant, will meet for 2 to 3 hours once a fortnight . The time taken to complete a business plan will depend upon the no. of divisions or business categories. These sessions will cover evolving / revising / re-validating your corporate or entrepreneurial vision; scanning environment and building future scenarios for identifying viable opportunities; the strategy for competing and developing sustainable competitive edge. It will cover Vulnerability Analysis by identifying all types of risks and vulnerabilities, leading to evolving a pre-emptive action plans. The strategy will also include Plan B and Contingency Plan as safeguard strategy.

Major Benefits

  1. Your Time: You hardly spend 2 hrs a fortnight (2.5%) of your time.

  2. Your Conviction: You have worked out the details yourself (where to diversify, divest, consolidate, grow; in what time; your safeguards against vulnerability, etc.) Consultant has helped in following certain directions, methodologies, raising questions, issues, bringing objectivity and increasing options.

  3. Cost saving: You don’t pay usual exorbitant fee of few crores charged by reputed consulting firms who work out strategy back home and deliver you the report which you might dis-own summarily. Here you pay a fraction of fees for the strategy you have okayed at all stages.

  4. No negligence; you are time bound: you don’t become a victim of putting off the crucial task of re-validating your strategic plan for future (which in today’s context can arrive any day), as you have committed only 2/3 hours a week and completing the assignment with consultant on time.

Contacts: Cell : 98707 19100 Land:022-22845725  Postal:86, Maker Arcade, Cuff Parade, Mumbai - 400 005.
Over 30 years consulting (starting as IIM-A faculty) with top MNCs, Indian COs, Centre & State Govts.

Leadership At Top | Leadership at Sr./ Middle Levels | Entrepreneurial / Corporate Vision | Family Business Management
Assessment for CEO/CEO Leadership | Assessing Managerial Potential | Corporate strategy | Building brand leaders | Life strategies

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